From The “Voice of Wrestling” (our words, not his), Jason Bryant…

We were excited to see another well-known name participating in Wrestle MATNESS–Jason Bryant! Below is a quick excerpt from Mat Talk Online’s newsletter (if you aren’t subscribed already, do so here:  

WrestleMATNESS has started pick'em challenges for college wrestling. They're free and take a lot of the hassle out of doing this yourself.

Last year, I got a random Facebook message from a former wrestler who was launching a pick’em game on the web for college wrestling. I get a lot of requests to promote wrestling-based companies and businesses and such.

Sometimes, these requests just want to use my platform, following and distribution to push a product and really doesn’t offer me much in return. In a lot of cases, if I like it, I’ll make a push and mention it on social or my podcasts.

WrestleMATNESS is one of those things I had to wait-and-see on. Not because I didn’t trust what was being said, but due to my work with the NCAA at the Division I and Division III championships, I do not participate in any wrestling-related wagering, etc. My preview guide is also specific with the terms I use on this. While I know the stuff I create is used for fantasy contests, drafts and such, I cannot participate.

They were also friends with resident wrestling goofball and longtime friend Jake Herbert, so they had that going for them!

But once I saw WrestleMATNESS and how it was structured, I knew this was something I could and would participate in. They are NOT paying me for this, by the way. They’re not offering me anything in return.

What I saw this year through groups like BEG Wrestling’s online Facebook community is fans watching matches and conversing about their picks and the live scoreboard from WrestleMATNESS on social media, complete with some trash talk and chest puffing.

I like making picks, I don’t really like making predictions per se, but it’s just part of that fan engagement I’ve always been a part of. I’ve been active in a ton of wrestling forums, discord servers, chat rooms and Facebook groups since they came online. I’m a fan like you are and while I really don’t care who wins - I do enjoy good wrestling and a good, friendly competition.”

Interested in looking at other picks and starting your own contest? Check it out here.


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